| Industrial Equipment Circular Lifting magnets
Shells of our circular lifting magnets are made of highly permeable steel casting that is as per IS:4491 (BSS-1617). These are properly machined and provide the most efficient and accurate magnetic circuit. The periphery of the magnets is heavily ribbed giving an added mechanical strength & an increase in the radiation surface to help cooling. The center and outer poles are machined using highly permeable magnet steel that has cored recesses arrangements. This protects the heads through tensile bolts. Its terminal box is specially designed to ensure protection while it is in operation.
Rectangular lifting magnets
Rectangular lifting magnets for handling steel plates, bars, billets, sections and tubes can be designed and manufactured to meet customer's requirement The construction of these rectangular lifting magnets is similar to above with cast steel shell and poles fabricated from low carbon steel. Very long loads can be handled with two or more Magnets spaced on a spreader beam to maintain equilibrium and ensure adequate supply factor.
permanent magnetic lifter
The assortment of our permanent magnetic lifter (P.M.Lifter) is manufactured using the latest technology. It comprises of the following unique features:
Compact Lightweight Apt for Flat & round material High lift to its weight ratio Easy operation facilitated with On/Off system Neodymium Magnetic Powered System It improves plant safety as there is no direct contact with workers Huge & heavy work pieces can be moved and handled safely, easily by a single operator
Load Lifting Magnet:
These give optimum reliability, efficiency and economical performances in the most arduous service conditions. Our load lifting magnets have a robust cast & bolted/ fabricated construction that is designed for handling the following:
Solid Slabs Steel Ingots Bloom Billets Pig Iron Light finished parts Scrap Keyword Tag: Industrial Equipment,Industrial Equipments,Manufacturer of Industrial Equipment, Supplier of Industrial Equipment ,Industrial Equipment in India, Exporters of Industrial Equipment,Industrial Equipment manufacturers, Industrial Equipment suppliers,Industrial Equipment exporters,Industrial Equipment manufacturing companies,Industrial Equipment in Chennai, Industrial Equipment supplier in India,Industrial Equipment in Chennai,Industrial Equipment manufacturer in India,Industrial Equipment India ,Industrial Equipment manufacturers in India, Indian manufacturers of Industrial Equipment, Industrial Equipment Indian supplier,